Sinking Spirituality
Understanding the Symptoms, Causes and Cures of Weakness in Faith
Increasing numbers of today's Muslim men, women and youth are struggling with their spirituality and connection with Allah SWT.
Some are battling in their understanding of Islam, whilst others are challenged in their Islamic practice. Some are confused about their identity and others feel spiritually stuck and simply don't know why.
In this series of 3 online masterclasses, Calisha Bennett (founder of Developing Diamonds) helps you to discover and understand the symptoms, causes and cures for weakness in faith.
Make the decision TODAY to take the first step towards your Islamic growth through the recognition of your spiritual struggles Inshallah.
Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the faith of one of you will diminish just as a shirt becomes worn out, so ask Allah to renew faith in your hearts.” (Al-Mustadrak)
Each Masterclass covers:
1. Understanding the Symptoms
2. Addressing the Causes
3. Identifying the Cures
Calisha Bennett
Preparing for the Masterclass
Sinking Spirituality Booklet
Watch the replay here
What's next for me?
Watch the Part 2 Replay Here (Sorry for the poor visual quality of this recording!)
Watch the Part 3 Replay Here
Discover and understand the symptoms of weakness in faith and sinking spirituality now!